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Agenda Item

18. Update to the Homeless Services Funding Plan [To Be Delivered] File ID: 2019-01244

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    Natasha Collins about 5 years ago

    I am in support of establishing a homeless shelter at the Alhambra Broadway intersection. This is a central area close to other services and already has many ohomless people living under the freeway. Providing more services and shelter would be very valuable here. Thank you for your work on this issue.

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    Greg Alves about 5 years ago

    I oppose the homeless shelter the mayor recommends near Pannell community center in meadowview. I serve on a regional homeless shelter board of directors . After 30 years of housing experience, I know the shelter cannot be successfully placed in a residential neighborhood. Especially considering that the local city council member, Larry Carr, is against the location near Pannell. Is Steinberg going to suggest a homeless shelter in Seymour Park next? I'll be the first to fund a recall campaign of he and all council members who do not oppose it.

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    Michal Healy about 5 years ago

    I am a homeowner in Poverty Ridge and support the proposed Alhambra/Broadway Homeless Center. This area has many homeless people walking the streets routinely and living under the freeway. Most of them are very polite, but have used my front yard hose to bathe, add water to a water bottle or cool off in the heat of the summer. Allowing a place for the homeless to sleep safely at night, get needed services, and help them get out of poverty will be a great asset to the Community. Michal Healy

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    Bill Motmans about 5 years ago

    Without being able to read the supplemental material makes it difficult to be specific, but CM Carr's position in opposition to the shelter next to the Pannell Center should be given the greatest weight during any discussion of this issue.

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    SE Flynn about 5 years ago

    It seems that the money appropriated for this problem, and it is a problem, has made no difference what so ever to the big picture of homelessness in Sacramento or California overall. In fact all the new social programs, the climate and the relaxation of laws for crime connected to homelessness has made California a haven for this situation and resulted in increasing the numbers living on our streets. We need to look for a 'Best Practices' solution from others than those whose ideas have FAILED. We must make homelessness unattractive. We must remove the mental health threat from our streets and we must punished law breakers with meaningful and appropriate retribution.

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    sean wright about 5 years ago

    Most of the triage homeless shelters are located in the Central City planning District. Using data from the Railroad drive model it showed 33% (217 people) were transported more than 1.5 miles to the shelter from all over the City. Of the 658 participants 40% (263 people) were housed, leaving 56% (368 people) un-sheltered. This leaves a big unanswered question, how people were housed from the surrounding area? Was there a net increase of un-sheltered persons surrounding the area? This result would have a severe economic impact on the Central City that is not analyzed. Many National & Local investors are concerned about the impact of homelessness on the Central City and City's response to the issue. A net increase of un-sheltered persons could delay or abandon their Central City investments.

    People become homeless all over the City and there should be services near them. A 100 bed shelter may not be the best option for all areas. Smaller bed sites in every area & not every district.

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    Sean Wright about 5 years ago

    “Hot Shot” program. The Hot Shot program funds a cleanup team to respond to calls throughout the River District, on both public and private property. The impact of over-concentrating homeless services in the River District is not isolated to the River District. Many homeless services are less that 500 feet from household in the Alkali & Mansion Flats neighborhood. This program should be expanded to include the neighborhood that receives the daily impact without any support from the City or County of Sacramento. Reducing the current budget to accommodated the calls for service from the River District doesn't fairly address the issues that surrounds the homeless service area. This area is known as the Homeless Service Triangle, (HST). The HST is bound by North 12th Street, North 16th Street and the Railroad tracks to the South.

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    Barbara Ramm about 5 years ago

    It would be helpful to have the document available for review prior to the meeting.