Meeting Time: May 28, 2019 at 5:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

31. Housing Streamlining Menu of Options and Authorization to Apply for the SB 2 Planning Grant Program [Continued from 04/23/2019] File ID: 2019-00212

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    Ansel Lundberg about 5 years ago

    My name is Ansel Lundberg. I am a co-chair of House Sacramento, a pro-housing advocacy group in the Sacramento area that fights for all kinds of dense, transit-oriented housing, from affordable to market rate. We are in support of the housing menu of options that the City staff have diligently developed. We look forward to seeing this get support from the Council, and applaud staff and City leaders for their work on these policies. We urge the options that would ultimately have to be adopted via the City's General Plan update to be incorporated as such, and we would be interested in House Sacramento being a part of the external housing working group that is mentioned in the staff report. Thank you.