I am very much in support of developing "Old Sacramento" into a more vibrant cultural center. It will benefit our ENTIRE city. The costs of implementing the specific plans to be developed will be repaid manyfold over. I respectfully request that each member on the City Council vote yes on this measure. Thank you.
Cat Karell, 2243 N Manor Dr, Sacramento 95811, 916-694-8860, cat4cats139@gmail.com
I am very much in support of developing "Old Sacramento" into a more vibrant cultural center. It will benefit our ENTIRE city. The costs of implementing the specific plans to be developed will be repaid manyfold over. I respectfully request that each member on the City Council vote yes on this measure. Thank you.
Cat Karell, 2243 N Manor Dr, Sacramento 95811, 916-694-8860, cat4cats139@gmail.com