Meeting Time: January 08, 2019 at 2:00pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

3. Ordinance Amending Section 15.04.050 of the Sacramento City Code Relating to Emergency Housing (Passed for Publication 12/18/2018; Published 12/21/2018) File ID: 2018-01679

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    Mike Jaske about 6 years ago

    Mayor Steinberg and Council Members:

    SacACT supports adoption of relaxed building standards to support additional housing opportunities for homeless people. However, we note that the benefits of this ordinance are very limited if the end date of the adopted emergency shelter crisis declaration remains at March 1, 2019. The benefits of this ordinance could be greatly increased if the term of the emergency shelter crisis declaration were extended. We urge the City Council to extend this end date.

    Mike Jaske, representing SacACT