Meeting Time: May 22, 2018 at 3:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4. Parking Permit Fees for Car Share and Curbside Electric Vehicle Charging File ID: 2018-00682

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    Kelly McBee almost 7 years ago

    Four years ago, my decision to move to Sacramento was greatly influenced by the ability to live and work in the downtown/midtown area without a car, thanks to services like Zipcar. Today, I ride my bike daily, rent a Zipcar several times a month, and do not own a car. I believe that this lifestyle should be supported and preserved in Sacramento as it promotes green and cooperative living and relieves greenhouse gas emissions and traffic and parking congestion caused by too many vehicles on the road.
    I discourage the Law and Legislation Committee from imposing or adding fees on car-share services that will decrease their ability to provide cost-efficient services for all residents, and thereby move Sacramento away from the sustainable future we are all striving for.
    Thank you,
    Kelly McBee

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    Fatima Malik almost 7 years ago

    I use and enjoy using Zipcar for work and personal travel purposes and it helps me live a car-light lifestyle. I think such programs such be offered without charging fees for such things. These types of programs also help us reduce our carbon emissions which is important to address climate change and air quality challenges in this region.

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    Katie Hanzlik almost 7 years ago

    As a resident of Midtown for the last 6 years, I pride myself on the fact that I can navigate life in this city without a car. This has been made possible because of services like Zipcar.
    We should encourage our Downtown & Midtown residents to utilize car sharing: it’s environmentally friendly, relieves traffic, and with many people sharing 1 car, clears up parking spaces for those traveling from elsewhere to participate in our vibrant economy.
    I fear that if fees are imposed, it will either sour companies' interest in doing business here, or they will pass the cost on to customers. The Mayor & Council speak about making our city desirable to young professionals. I hope to continue living here, but with my rent costs nearly doubling over the last 4 years, the option of owning a car has become essentially unattainable. I urge you to consider how imposing additional fees will affect the residents who use the services.
    Thank you for your consideration,
    Katie Hanzlik