Meeting Time: April 10, 2018 at 5:00pm PDT
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    Victor Brazelton almost 7 years ago

    I would like to see a policies or procedures for what polices are followed for 911 calls for suspected vandalism. I would like to know what are the policies for engaging a suspect when there is a helicopter in the air why was there no instruction provided to Stephon why were officers sent into a dark back yard when there was an available to illuminate the back yard. I want to know why there continues to be a Sacramento undergoing Facebook page and if the Sacramento police department requested to have this removed as it appears to reflect the Sacramento city police department in an official matter. I want to know what polices and procedures have changed before Stephon Clark was murdered. What recommendation took place after Josph Mann was killed. I would like a report on vandalism calls into 911 and what actions were taken per district are the responses different per district