Meeting Time: March 29, 2018 at 9:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

eComment: An Open Community Dialogue with the Sacramento City Council

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    Renee Funston almost 7 years ago

    The City of Sacramento has a pivotal opportunity to reshape how the City provides safety and security. The family of Stephon Clark and the Meadowview community require dignity and justice. City Manager Howard Chan must fire Officers Terrence Mercadal and Jared Robinet, and District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert must charge these officers with murder or manslaughter.

    The actions of these officers are in direct violation of the City of Sacramento's Police Use of Force Policy. As demonstrated by the police camera videos, these officers were not authorized to use deadly force because Stephon Clark was not armed and he did not have direct contact, nor a clear verbal warning, before the police officers shot him. This was an excessive use of force beyond the City's police power.

    As someone who grew up in Sacramento, I have always been proud of this city because of our diversity and distinctive communities. We can and must do better starting with rectifying this injustice.

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    Lisa Edwards almost 7 years ago

    Why is it that the Vacaville California police department posted a similar incident only it did not result in the killing of an unarmed person? You realize his cellphone was white right? I have yet to see a single police website post that a criminal had a white gun. Unless you start caring about the black community you will hear more killers masquerading as police saying "gun, gun, gun" not because there is one but to cover their murderous hearts. Why was emergency services denied to a person clearly not faking or moving? This does not happen in competent forces and your incompetence makes it more dangerous for my family members in law enforcement who have also had to contend with murderers with badges.

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    BD Beck almost 7 years ago

    Not only are there serious questions about what led up to the shooting of Stephon Clark, the actions of Sacramento police officers after the shooting were cowardly. The body camera footage clearly shows four officers standing back waiting for backup while a single young man they had just shot 20 times lays on the ground bleeding out. One of the four officers is even heard saying he's going to go back to use radio. How many well armed and well armored COWARDLY SPD officers are needed before one defenseless person dying on the ground receives help?

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    Lolita Shirley almost 7 years ago

    I am appalled by the actions of the police when it comes to people of color. I do not understand how they can use excessive force on our people and continue to get away with it. Why is lethal force used for a minor crime such as vandalism but you can arrest a person who is armed, dangerous, and have killed multiple people safely without Lethal tactics? Since when does property become more valuable than life? And where is the justice for Stephon who did not even get the opportunity to be tried if he even committed any crime? He was killed just because he was black. This needs to be addressed and the racists need to be weeded out of the police force!