Meeting Time: November 14, 2017 at 2:30pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

5. Ordinance Amending Section 15.156.020 and Various Provisions of Title 17 of the Sacramento City Code Relating to Streamlining Land Use and Entitlement Processing Requirements and Code Maintenance (M17-016) File ID: 2017-01339

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    jenny hsiao over 7 years ago

    Please do not remove the guidelines that require onsite notices. Online notices are not an efficient way to communicate changes that will affect our properties and historical value of our neighborhood.

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    Karen Jacques over 7 years ago

    I oppose the proposed change to Code Section 17.808.140 that replaces Preservation Director review with staff review for new construction in historic districts/landmark parcels. The City currently lacks individual design guidelines for individual historic districts and landmark parcels. Pending such guidelines, the Preservation Commission developed a set of Interim Guidelines but they haven't yet been adopted. At least until appropriate standards are adopted, it is imperative Preservation Director review with appeal to the Preservation Commission be maintained both to assure appropriate design and to comply with state Certified Local Government standards. Also, the proposed change eliminates the neighborhood and neighbor noticing requirement leaving residents with no voice in decision making that affects both their own properties and historic resources they cherish. I also concur with Preservation Commission comments re: Code Section17.808.120.

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    Jackie Whitelam over 7 years ago

    I oppose the adoption of this Ordinance without the deletion of the proposed amendments to Sections 17.808.140 and 17.808.120.