Meeting: City Council

Meeting Time: September 12, 2017 at 5:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10. Contract: R Street Phase III Project, 13th Street to 16th Street (T15135900) [Published for 10-Day Review 08/31/2017] File ID: 2017-00896

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    Kevin Dumler almost 7 years ago

    I am a current resident of Richmond Grove and live at 14th and T street. I am very excited about this project, the improvements, and the opportunities it represents for infill along the corridor. However, I believe this project has one major flaw that would be irresponsible not to address simultaneously with this project.

    This project will continue to increase pedestrian activity within the R Street corridor, but that will not make it a safe place for pedestrians. 15th and 16th Streets are wide streets with high speeds. Currently, pedestrians dart across the street at the occasional break in traffic. This scenario is a pedestrian fatality waiting to happen.

    In order to truly connect the Corridor (Ice Blocks to the dining west of 15th Street), we need a push button activated crossing with lights otherwise cars will not stop for pedestrians. We should also lower the speed limit in this area due to the pedestrian activity to 25 mph. These improvements would save lives.

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    M D Moore almost 7 years ago

    Our newest City Clerk should help ensure the work of the peoples' councilmembers continues to follow important procedural rules:
    time-specific publication deadlines serve important public functions.
    REMOVE item 10 from tonight's consent calendar!
    Obey existing rules structures!
    Be transparent, and NOT OBFUSCATORY -- it's the Law FOR GOOD REASONS!