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Agenda Item

Print Special Meeting Agenda - Begins at 5:00 PM [Updated at 08/28/2017 4:50 PM]

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    Ari Freilich over 7 years ago

    Members of the Sacramento City Council,

    On behalf of the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, I urge you to approve Item 01 on the Council's Special Meeting Agenda for August 29, 2017, in order to fund implementation of the Advance Peace model of violence prevention in the City of Sacramento. The Law Center was founded by lawyers after an assault weapon massacre at a San Francisco law firm in 1993 and provides legal and technical assistance in support of gun violence prevention to federal, state, and local legislators nationwide.

    Please see our attached letter of support for this agenda item, which explains how the Advance Peace model will significantly improve public health and safety in Sacramento.


    Mike McLively
    Senior Staff Attorney & Director, Urban Gun Violence Initiative
    Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence