Meeting Time: June 13, 2017 at 3:00pm PDT
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Agenda Item

Public Comments-Matters Not on the Agenda

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    Daniel Kane almost 8 years ago

    Would like to make proposal on allotted investment funds account... for roughly $40 Million.

    For items that can be for search and rescue,medical,more. Items as ball cap (Search and Rescue) that has interface link for live feed and recording with projecting thermal light scan. Another would be a Collapsible Medical stretcher that folds to size of brief case, includes mini oxygen tank, vital monitor, neck brace, fluids, adrenaline shot. New clothing that is highly durable and rugged but light weight and can go from a quite sitting at a table to a dirt bike ramp or the slopes. New shoes that are the same lasting innovation but using a different innovation as woven steel thread with cannabis layering and rubber similar to a car tire and being just as rugged as a soldiers boot but light weight and comfortable of the inner lining being of gel and memory foam with a small strip of steal around the toe area and back heel.Note : and .

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    Leslie Martinez almost 8 years ago

    I thank you for your efforts to make the city of sacramento trasparent.