07. (Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency) Purchase and Sale Agreement for RASA-owned Properties at 1212, 1224, 1310, and 1314 Del Paso Boulevard File ID: 2017-00597
I offer my strong support for this sale and the proposed development. The city of Sacramento desperately needs transit-orientated workforce housing, especially near downtown. Del Paso Boulevard desperately needs new development that can serve as a catalyst for other development to help bring new life and vitality to this under-developed corridor. The sale of this property would allow both to happen.
Additionally, Volunteers of America National Services has been wonderful about reaching out to the community to engage in dialogue about the proposed development. They have demonstrated their intent to be a community partner. Based on conversations within my neighborhood, I feel that overwhelming majority of residents in our neighborhood support this sale and support this proposed project.
Larry Glover-Meade - President, Woodlake Neighborhood Association
I offer my strong support for this sale and the proposed development. The city of Sacramento desperately needs transit-orientated workforce housing, especially near downtown. Del Paso Boulevard desperately needs new development that can serve as a catalyst for other development to help bring new life and vitality to this under-developed corridor. The sale of this property would allow both to happen.
Additionally, Volunteers of America National Services has been wonderful about reaching out to the community to engage in dialogue about the proposed development. They have demonstrated their intent to be a community partner. Based on conversations within my neighborhood, I feel that overwhelming majority of residents in our neighborhood support this sale and support this proposed project.
Larry Glover-Meade - President, Woodlake Neighborhood Association