Meeting Time: April 04, 2017 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

Public Comments-Matters Not on the Agenda

  • 6610730032373822
    Joanne Vinton, Reno, NV almost 8 years ago

    Please protect people from secondhand smoke in multi-unit housing by prohibiting smoking inside the building and in common use areas (in other words, smoking would not be allowed on patios, balconies, or in courtyards).

    Currently, the City of Sacramento has only a weak, nonbinding resolution passed in 2006:

    "In December 2006, the City Council passed a resolution that encourages property owners of multi-unit rental housing to designate at least 25% of their units as nonsmoking or to make entire buildings within a multi-unit housing complex smokefree. The percentage was increased to 50% of units in April 2009. Property owners that do so will be publicly recognized by the City Council. This is a nonbinding resolution, which means that property owners are not required to make any units smokefree. The resolution contains no language that the units must be contiguous."